So here's something I tell people about the Mastodon side of the fediverse and Big Tech. Big tech has this delusional mindset of both playing god, and feeling that with more censorship they can make everything bad on the internet go away. Nevermind the fact that YT literally just suggested me some bestgore/liveleak video with 5 mil views that slipped through the cracks of the automated janny, nope. More censorship will keep the bad things from happening, and not fixing society.
They also feel the only thing that'll boost the fedi is more IRL/ecelebs (how did that work with Ninja and Mixer again?), more censorship, and more control. They don't think outside the big tech mindset, they can only think in it or otherwise the HR lady will be giving them a visit.
In other words they want Twitter with a different internet daddy or no internet daddy (or a soulless CEO as one, as absent as their real dad is).