@coolboymew@Hyperhidrosis@Elfie I was in the same boat as you, every time I shaved with a 3/4/5 blade cartridge razor my skin would breakout for a week. Tried all brands and styles of razor, foams, brushes, even tricks like shaving in the shower and nothing helped. Until I switched to a Panasonic Arc5. I've been using it for the past two years and it's wonderful. I can shave daily and have no skin problems. The cleaning process is easy as well. You can use a pre-shave lotion like Lectric Shave or not, for me it depends on the stubble length. But It will take your skin a few weeks to get used to it. Give it a try, if you don't like it return it. There is also Braun Series 9 (which I have owned) but Arc5 has a closer shave and is easier to clean and doesn't require a base.