(which I bet you did, since nobody is discussing it) This year, the European Commission will be working on a legislative proposal called Chat Control. The proposal aims to have all EU citizens’ communications monitored and scrutinized. This means that all of your phone calls, video calls, text messages, every single line that you write in all kinds of messaging apps, your e-mails, and chat conversations in video games and dating apps — yes, all of this — will be filtered in real time and potentially flagged for a more in-depth review. This also applies to images and videos saved in the cloud, i.e. the legislation essentially impacts everything you do with your smartphone. In other words, your personal life will be fully exposed to government scrutiny. Most people have never even heard about this legislation despite the fact that it will affect all European Union citizens. It's about time to start discussing this proposal and ensure it gets revoked (at least for those of us who want to defend human rights and democratic processes within the EU).