@mint That seems heavy handed. All I do is:"wget -qO- https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses | grep ExitAddress | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed "s/^/deny /g; s/$/;/g" > tor-block.conf"and include the .conf that it spits out for upload.php and index.html's specific location blocks. File URLs can still be accessed from Tor.
@meso @Lucibel > im not sure who exactly would be stupid enough to look up "cp" from their real IP instead of using Tor or somethingYou might be surprised. Apparently a lot of Germans, Romanians, Texans, and Floridians will do this.Anyway, that's not a Tor IP. You can get their list of exit nodes from https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses .