Notices where this attachment appears
“TELEGRAM TOLERATES NAZIS AND CONSPIRACY THEORISTSAfter being kicked out of Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, many right-wing extremist and conspiracy theorist groups have finally found a home on Telegram. The platform currently hosts COVID-19 deniers in Germany, who often mingle with proponents of other extremist ideologies, like anti-Semites or QAnon followers. A VICE Germany investigation also showed how neo-Nazi music circulates freely on the platform. “
You do realise that this is a reason not to delete it, don’t you? The same has been said about fedi quite a lot of times.
Also, I mean, do you even know what Vice is? They run articles about shoving a switch controller up your ass. Vice at this point is what happens when you take a lad with a Down syndrome and give him a lobotomy.