When I was digging around in my old posts I found one from my more despairing bachelor days, when I was 28 and totally burned out on trying to make the search work. I feel bad now, I didn’t know then what I know today. I thought they genuinely didn’t exist because I never saw them in my searches.
It’s like finding your dream car. Not all the good ones have a for sale sign, a whole lot are probably sitting in garages around the country, rarely driven, while the owner thinks “ah, I never drive that thing. Selling is such a pain though….”. If you made an offer you’d probably snag it.
I feel bad now, worried that I’ll be held accountable for the damage I caused in possibly waving a man away from the wifely search. Think about how horrible it would be to pass on and discover that your forgettable internet posting actually reinforced someone in an unhealthy life direction, that they decided to forego a family, and entire generations of your people never came into existence - all because of your posting. I’d bet nobody paid much attention, but it’s still a tiny worry.