@PhenomX6@Owl@MeBigbrain@node this is all pretty spot on but another thing that's being missed is that trannies are being worshipped by this religion so a lot of lonely, miserable people get attached to it because it's a nonstop constant affirmation loop, linking everything to trans identity is a net positive for them.
also SomethingAwful trannying out was funny too because some of the absolute worst people were on that site. i don't mean for normie reasons like "they're heckin trolls" but i just mean genuine sociopaths. they all figured out too that you can do literally anything you want if it's for "the right reasons" so a lot of these people glommed onto Atheism+, feminism, socialism, all the way up to totally trannying out to absolve themselves of ever having to accept responsibility for anything or admit fault.
really curious to see what these people do when the treads run out on the tranny thing wokeness unlikable cope.png