Two anime girls in orange construction PPE standing on a giant PCB. At the left side of the frame, one of them is operating a jackhammer and boring a hole into the board inside a box outlined in white spray paint. Below the surface of the soldermask, which is chipping like broken concrete, a layer of fiberglass laminate can be seen on the side of the excavation with horizontal and vertical glass fibers seen in cross section. Below the fiberglass is a layer of copper surrounding the entire hole, another layer of fiberglass, and two inner-layer traces running from left to right. She's jackhammering the last bits of dielectric away from one of them, while the other is fully exposed. A pile of debris lies next to the hole. To the right of the first worker, a second worker is unrolling a spool of yellow-jacketed wire from a large spool mounted to a trailer behind a truck. One end of the wire is already soldered to a copper trace at the bottom of a smaller excavation in front of her, and a cement mixer is dispensing blue-tinted epoxy or soldermask into the hole to cover the rework. Orange spray-paint lines between the two holes are marked "SDA / 6 MIL CU" and "SCL / 6 MIL CU". A red spray-paint marker below the hole reads "3V3 / 20 MIL CU".