@ACL9000 @NoDoxGregBrady "Nothing" absolves the level of evil committed by everyone involved. The western gov spent years funding, permitting the right wing to train and get themselves riled up, fattening them up like a calf for ritual slaughter.
It worked perfectly, the international jewish network got a magnet to scoop up nationalists hungry for fighting and experience, a meat grinder to expend them, a mass exodus of sex slaves, and a country to boot! They got rid of all those angry, protectionist Ukrainian men, bought the very land out from under their bleeding feet, and are now set to turn the country into a summer home for their cosmopolitan mutt herders.
They get to reconstruct what's left in their own revolting globalZOG style, infinite leverage, and nary a soul to oppose them.
It's insane how luciferian the war is, a purposeful, decades-long effort at a fully instigated brother war to open up real estate so israelis have somewhere to retreat from the hot desert summer.