
Screenshot of split terminal window showing the sample template in Kitten (on the left, as a JavaScript tagged template string) and on the right in Hugo’s Go-based templating system. Partial code comparison: Kitten: <if ${db.news.posts.length > 0}> <then> <ul class='posts-list'> ${db.news.posts.map(post => kitten.html` <li> <h2 class='p-name'>${post.title}</h2> <div class='entry-meta'> <p>Posted: ${post.date} by ${post.author.name} on <a href='${post.author.siteLink}'>${post.author.siteName}</a> </div> <blockquote class='summary'> ${[kitten.md.render(post.summary)]} </blockquote> Hugo: {{ $section := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" .Section }} <ul class='posts-list'> {{ range $section }} <li> <h2 class='p-name'> {{ .Title }} </h2> <div class='entry-meta'><p>Posted: <time datetime='{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}'> {{ .Date.Format "2" | humanize }} {{ .Date.Format "January, 2006" }} </time> {{ with .Params.author }}by {{ . }} {{end}}on <a href='{{ .Params.SourceURL }}'>{{ .Params.SourceName }}</a></p></div> <blockquote class='summary'> <p>{{ .Summary }}</p> </blockquote> - 076萌SNS