Girl: Amazon is a conspiracy / Girl: to make everything available - QUICKLY - in multiple indistinguishable varieties Cat: The illusion of consumer choice had a meeting / Girl: all poor and cheaply made - Cat: It decided not to try too hard / Girl: so we FORGET - that an object doesn't have to be one in a succession of similar objects, each cheap, and soon broken, and replaced by the next cheap and soon to be broken one - / Girl: so that any individual object is less important than the system set up to sell and deliver them - like listening to "Spotify" - instead of individual artists or songs / Girl: so we FORGET - that the well-made object is an OPTION / Girl: we FORGET - that a well-made object can be repaired - repurposed - why would you FIX something when you can replace it so quickly? How CAN you fix something when it's so cheaply made? / Girl: we FORGET - that there is value in MAKING the well-made object - but if you care about the quality of your work - you slow down the system - / Girl: why would they want us to FORGET - that a well-made object feels GOOD to USE - that it works WITH us rather than AGAINST us - unlike our phones and social media and AI and Google and / (She pauses) / Girl: Oh. Cat: I make a pretty good soup!