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@Mr_NutterButter @matrix *ESSAY INCOMING*
When I was still a conservative in 2018 I was growing very disinterested in politics because all the GOP did was lose, they had increasingly boring ideas, and nothing ever happened. Plus everyone in the magatard sphere was a boomer with a lame sense of humor.
So I spent 2 years mostly apolitical, lurking and occasionally shitposting with safe-edgy redditors. They may have had retarded views on everything, but conventionally their humor was better. It's really just a testament to age differences. Boomers are immune to irony, while zoomers have an entire parlance rooted in it. So naturally I found more entertainment looking at Jojo memes (yes I know) than I did looking at Ben Garrison's cartoons of Trump kicking Pelosi and Schumer out of the Capitol.
Despite their humor being more palatable to young people like me, it lacked the spice of legitimate cultural critique. It was all hot air. Bland processed garbage. But I didn't quite know this yet.
One day on reddit I discovered a subreddit called r/ShitNeoconsSay and thought it was a leftwing safe-edgy place to rag on Trump supporters and their crappy memes (as that was the context in which it was linked). Instead I found a bunch of legit racism (spooky) and antisemitism (AAHH!). But I couldn't keep myself away. I poked in there from time to time as a guilty pleasure, trying to ignore the Jew hatred. I wanted to know what their thoughts on current issues were. What I discovered was that THIS was the kind of politics I was looking for. Eventually, instead of avoiding the JQ content, I was going there SPECIFICALLY to learn about it lmao.
And relating to memes, the alt-right's had the perfect blend of cultural critique AND the youthful exuberance of modern internet humor. And so I finally found my home among neo-nazis.
It's so dumb that I could write something so long-winded about a fucking soyjak, maybe I have mild autism or something, but I really really really like this image.