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@sapphire @Decayable @DickJohnson @Doll @Folklore @Formerly_Trucks @Frank @Sui @ins0mniak
> I don't want to have to deal with some sock wearing tranny upstream letting an untested update manifest go out which bricks my DE
...Oh, the CrowdStrike thing? Patch Tuesday? Sure. Oh, shit, you mean Linux.
Sounds like you picked the unstable fluoride distro and a "DE" and got exactly the expected result. I don't know how to help you: every machine I operate does exactly what I tell it to do and then it stops doing things. I don't have the problem you describe because I don't do anything retarded to my machines, so I measure my uptime in years, and it's always due to either a fan dying or a power outage.
> who loses shitloads of money if my PC fucks up to manage my operating system.
Yeah, people definitely lose money when Microsoft fucks up, people have big success suing Microsoft or getting Microsoft out of their organization.
> They can have some data to sell me ads, I run adblock anyway.
Yeah, a shitty browser plugin definitely stops shit like "Apple sends the contents of all your shell scripts to themselves" and "Windows literally ships with keyloggers now". Keep feeding the cartel.