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>Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies
tl;dr women as a group are THE most powerful humans in all civilizations ever; all men are just along for the ride and most of them will get run over and nobody will care
Very long, high IQ post from one of the dreaded lumpenproletariat whose mere existence triggers even some here on the so-called redpilled side of fedi. My personal favorite parts:
>Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
>1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
>2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
>3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society
>That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
>ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
>The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
>That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.
>What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
>So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:
>1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
>2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
>3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.
>Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
>3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. >Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
>It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.
>So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks.
>That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
>I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.
>I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.
>It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
>Briffault's law states:
>"The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place."
>Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.