A picture of a newspaper clip with the following text above: Male engineering student explains why his female classmates are not his equals. You will want to read this. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the women in my engiclasses: in how I look, and that I While it is my intention in every other interaction I share with you to treat you as my peer, let me deviate from that to say that you are in fact unequal. Sure, we are in the same program, and you are possibly getting the same PA as I, but ?tied? that ?? us equal? I have had no difficulty whatsoever with a boys club mentality, and I will not face added scrutiny or remarks ‘of me being the “diversity hire’. _me that my true worth was _ should abstain from certain activities because I might be thought too masculine. and I was not overlooked by teachers who assumed that the reason I did not understand a tough math or science concept was, after all, because of my gender. When I experience success the assumption of others will be that I earned it. So, you and I cannot be equal. You have already conquered far more to be in this field than I will ever face, By Jared Mauldin Senior in Mechanical Engineering