@rainignterror1080p@Moto_Chagatai It's just that "The Program®" birthed by retarded government bureaucrats determined that a 2B is reliable and good for children to learn how to write, and does not cause individuality and envy from other classmates so everyone has to use one. And the teachers as usual followed the letter of the law and not the spirit of it.
During my entire childhood I was forced to use a fountain pen because the government said so, even though it's suboptimal. Have I used it once ever since growing up? Of course not.
Nowadays the government allows schools to have their own rules to some extent, so now we have many schools that allow boys to wear the girl uniform with a skirt because ジェンダーダイバーシティ.
Maybe we should go back to the 2B pencil days and be stupid-rigid.