Notices where this attachment appears
This is their view of There's a lot of interesting information in there. They've got, for example, `"processing_status": "completed"`, but they never launched any successful requests as far as I can tell. (I will have to look through the logs again.) They have `"connections": "33435"`, and this appears to be the peer count. They are using for the `thumbnail_proxy`, maybe that's where they got the list of instances. They have 16,795 on the list, and all of them have `"processing_status": "completed"`, so the queue is probably stored somewhere else.
"_id": {
"$oid": "673f10ac2aa5fd2484163e28"
"id": "6628f572b42b8088be06b2fb",
"name": "",
"added_at": "2024-04-24T12:05:06.281Z",
"updated_at": "2024-11-21T10:02:14.842Z",
"checked_at": "2024-11-21T10:02:14.842Z",
"uptime": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"up": true,
"dead": false,
"version": null,
"ipv6": false,
"https_score": {
"$numberInt": "10"
"https_rank": "E ",
"obs_score": {
"$numberInt": "70"
"obs_rank": "B ",
"users": "1733",
"statuses": "2072037",
"connections": "33435",
"open_registrations": false,
"info": {
"short_description": null,
"full_description": "FSE temporary bugout zone until the new code is ready, but mostly a development instance, so it will not run like regular FSE: closed registrations (but if you had an account, your old username/password will work), I will shoot anything that annoys me while I am hacking (and if you are hoping for a warning shot, please do not annoy me until ammo prices drop), etc. Lots of things will be broken periodically because this is a development instance. Direct complaints to your friendly local anarchist @p, or if you are a total dick, just #fediblock us based on rumors/assumptions without trying to reach out, just like you did with FSE! Full explanation here:",
"topic": "Free Speech Extremist",
"languages": [],
"other_languages_accepted": true,
"federates_with": "all",
"prohibited_content": [],
"categories": []
"thumbnail": "/instance/thumbnail.jpeg",
"thumbnail_proxy": "",
"active_users": null,
"email": "",
"admin": null,
"loadtime": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1732161080203"
"processing_status": "completed"