I was expecting this leg to be alone so I could enjoy some peace and convo-free weekend ease, but now I have some douchebag blabbering all day, no internet, no shitter either. Pay sucks too, I should have said I had covid and stayed home
"woah you don't watch any sports?'
"what you don't watch anything? No movies? No TV?"
"what the hell do you do with your time then?!?!?"
then the next 6H43M is taken up by him trying to sell me on his favorite tv series and trash propaganda. Eveyrone loves the idea of glomming on and making me watch the "greats", because it lets them savor good zog media de novo, they want me to hang out in the hotel and watch sopranos with them so we can chatter about how awesome it was the next day
not happening fagtron