@ceo_of_monoeye_dating Citations more likely
I'm not too excited about the cattle car life, too much interaction w/ niggers, got to go through TSA all the time, a lot of downsides AND you have to negotiate a crappy culture. Once I got a couplke kids to pay for I'll suck it up for the paycheck but.....I'm dreading it TBH. Bizjet life is just so much easier, walk straight through the fbo, load gear, chat w/ the rich white folks paying for a ride...
Everyone always yells at me for being retarded for leaving money and seniority on the table, but I'm already in second career hours. I'll never be the 30 yo kid upgrading to captain, and everyone I know in the airline game doesn't have a great QoL from it. Lots of driving, living in niggerville in order to commute, marriage failing
(this is all giga cope because they will all make 3x my paycheck in 10 years, working 60% as much as me)