@MelGibsonafter4Beers@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@transgrammaractivist@NotoriousDOG@s2208@ArmchairEconomist01@dictatordave I already know how bad things are in this far corner of Clownifornia. In the Summer of Love 2020, there was a BLM rally in the town park. Granted, we had some "good ol' boys" on station in a mom & pop burger joint in case the rally had trucked in Portland Antifa to cause a ruckus, but nothing came of it other than cult-like behavior from self-hating whites.
Also, we have a problem with Hmongs running large-scale marijuana grow-ops. While the devil's lettuce is legal in this state, they grow more than Sacramento allows and traffick across state lines. (Not to mention all the environmental damage, human trafficking, and animal abuse that's going on.) Every time the Sheriff's office does anything, not only does it accomplish all of jack & shit to stymy these dirt-Asians and their dope-growing, but it also brings in the race-hustling lawyers from San Francisco and the journalists from LA to call us all a pack of Literal Nazi KKK inbred hillbilly hick racists. So yeah, this place is on the radar.