he saw it as a godless world. not acting would destroy people's belief in him, particularly people who only respond to being afraid, to ruthlessness, to brute force and power, of which many would be criminals, precisely the people he's trying to stop.
he's not just some glownigger testing tech on criminals, or a virus, or whatever. he's a god - a REAL god. would a REAL god not strike down those who mock him? and if L is showing this video to the whole world to assuage peoples fears and put trust back in law enforcement, light has the perfect chance to show the whole world he's a god and they should be afraid.
him being the false light bringer and pride being his fall from the very beginning was likely an intended narrative aspect aswell. was it dumb? was it retarded that he didnt even consider a trap? yeah but you can kinda understand the logic.
the real egregious error if you ask me is light never considering that his very specific selection of local japanese criminals to punish-particularly those accessed from his dads own computer and local news stations-would come back to bite him.