@DEERBLOOD @Will2Power @Ghislaine @MisterLister That's why he irritates me so much. Fuentes is emblematic of a zoomer who exults in his "youth" long after it's spent. I see guys who are 27 years old, walking around in spongebob hoodies, norwood hairline combed forward, bragging about expensive nigger sneakers and playstations as if they're still seventeen years old.
His clique really loves to pretend they're young and cool, but they aged out of that a few years ago. They should be moving on and having kids by now, not making fun of eggless roasties who are getting uncomfortably close in age to their own
(I know the history on that, they hate family formation, but it's worth noting that the mainstream "America First!" 'party' is so dedicated to an ideology that has the same results as a sterile feminist cult of tube-dying andropathy)