Paul Maxwell, when he left Christianity, said he was glad that he didn't have to be angry anymore. What's interesting is, I know plenty of people who left for the opposite reason: they hated that Scripture tells us not to let the sun go down on our wrath. What does that tell us? It tells us that fixation on anger, whether desired or unwanted, is a threat to faith. Think about it! Are you pissed off all the time?
Maxwell also cited how he didn't want to hate himself anymore. Ah, abother classic symptom of the "All Law and no Gospel" type. Is that you? Are you so fixated on your failures that you forget that God has made you a new creation? That perhaps you aren't the failure you think you are, that God thinks highly of you? Because He does, and I doubt that Maxwell considered that.
If someone leaves the faith, do not get pissed off at them, but rather fear. If you are not clinging closely to Christ, you may fall in the same traps they fall into. Examine yourself!