
Demo recording. Shows a circle sector rotating around the circle while it grows and shrinks. CSS: ``` @property --start { syntax: '<angle>'; initial-value: 0deg; inherits: false } @property --angle { syntax: '<angle>'; initial-value: 30deg; inherits: false } .my-elem { /* the 4 basic declarations for circle sector */ width: 20em; /* 1 */ aspect-ratio: 1; /* 2 */ border-radius: 50%; /* 3 */ background: /* 4 */ conic-gradient(from var(--start), lime var(--angle), #0006 0%); /* animation! */ animation: start 2s linear infinite, angle 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate } @keyframes start { to { --start: 1turn } } @keyframes angle { to { --angle: 120deg } } ``` - 076萌SNS