f72205a2c483c452e45f78a992ffaef122d7c72253fb57c39baccff6fa0acf48.png https://bae.st/media/f72205a2c483c452e45f78a992ffaef122d7c72253fb57c39baccff6fa0acf48.png?name=f72205a2c483c452e45f78a992ffaef122d7c72253fb57c39baccff6fa0acf48.png
>white guy who shitpost about anime gets doxxed by nigger>soyjak.party joins in and leaks even more info from the white guy>soyjak fags hack white guys devian art account and post cp(real) on the account>soyjak users comfirmed to have a cp stash for some reasonam i like, missing somethin?what is up with doxxers(specially anti anime doxxers) always having a cp stash?are those places really all just nests of pedos trying to always project onto the rest of the internet or somethin?f72205a2c483c452e45f78a992ffaef122d7c72253fb57c39baccff6fa0acf48.png