@William_The_Dragonborn I have a longer thread about it, I love/hate it. I hate how the greasy boomers try to fleece people for it, charge money just to sit inside....they want to pretend their personal toy is a public good when it comes time to pay the bills, but if they see you getting too close on the ramp they'll send over the golf cart fag to tell you to stay away. I just hate dealing with them, about 70% of warbird guys are super cool, but the other 30% drive me crazy. I get why they're money grubbers, we all have to be just to survive, but you don't see the guys at a classic car show holding out a venmo address demanding everyone chip in to cover the cost of the drive home.
More than anything I hate that they don't care about anyone flying beyond their death. I've only seen one guy under 50 get trained on an actual warbird, most of these commemoration wings just let the younger guys fly shitty T6s and chipmunks, pretending that someday they'll move up to the corsairs, mustangs, and spitfires. I think they'll be extremely disappointed when the boomers finally pass on, because the owners will cite their inexperience to put it on static display. We're all watching the boomers play with the controller with the promise that "you can play next" but the second they're done mom's taking away the playstation.
But damnit I would love to have one, that spanish civil war BF109 really speaks to me: