We *could* benefit by taking 500k (or even 1M) refugees out of the global refugee pool - having 47 million refugees globally causes a huge amount of global instability -- and if nations like Lebanon have to shoulder the whole burden they will collapse, leaving global war and eventually nuclear war in its wake. The benefit is avoiding war and the problems that are a fallout of global instability that result from the mass numbers of refugees. Similar arguments can be made about countries that are even more of shitholes than we are, and the people stuck in them.
Of course we mostly do *not* pull in refugees but economic migrants, many of whom come to canada with skills, education and connections to the rest of the world that are valuable. Whenever I get in a cab, I ask what degree the cab drive has -- cab drivers being usually one of the jobs new immigrants can get here -- and 9 times out of 10 I'm being driven around by someone with more education than I have.
There's also an important aspect OP is missing: that he (and i'm betting it's a he) is viewing things in a selfish way, from the nationalist perspective. From the *global* perspective of humanity it's a no-brainer that there's a benefit if immigration is allowed - people allowed to go where they want to be, and to escape where they would suffer more. They are too selfish / lack the empathy to value the experience of *that* part of humanity entirely.
Granted: there are downsides to immigration and mass immigration, especially right now, and they can and do offset these benefits to the point of it being not worth it. But to claim that there's no benefit from immigration is either dishonest(as in probably this case - the whole thing reeks of propaganda from top to bottom) or ignorant. We should reject mass immigration, but not because there are no benefits, but because the costs outweigh them by far.