My Mastodon journey began when I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022. Since that time I’ve tooted, and I’ve boosted. I’ve met amazing people, and connected with fellow musicians and artists. I’ve shared my interests and my music. I have learned much from the community.
Although 2024 has been liberal with the knocks and blows, I try my best to be thankful for the good things that have happened.
Did you know that some people know the words to my songs? That still blows my mind.
Thank you for following. Really. I mean it. Thank you. I know I don’t reply to every comment, and when I do, it’s often just an emoji, but I value your company, your insights, your come-backs. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. It’s been my privilege.
I never imagined I’d have ten thousand followers.
You humble me.
Thank you.
Thank you for making the Fediverse the friendly and welcoming place that it is. You’re all amazing.
Big love.
(I’d like to say Tora Tabby says hello, but she’s a cat and couldn’t care less.)
#introduction #Dgar #DgarMusic #DgarLore #ToraTabby