>I was getting kind of flustered. I was like ‘I need this shit—I need this.’ I said “well I need this. This is a really silly situation. I just happen to not have my debit card right now but I’m going to have it soon. I need this. Can I get this? I have money in the bank I just don’t have a way to pay for it in this moment”. They said no. I was getting kind of upset. I was like “can you pay for it and I’ll pay you back?” And he’s like “no.” And I was like staring him in the fucking eyes. Staring him right in the fucking eyes. He’s trying to explain shit to me and I’m like “why can’t you pay for it.” He’s like “no I can’t do that—blah blah blah”. I was like, “why can’t you pay for it! I can’t get this? Oh you need my fucking 13 dollars right fucking now! This is about my health!” I was like “why can’t you pay for this? You need the fucking 13 dollars? You need the fucking 13 dollars?” “Like what the fuck—I’ll come back and pay you back! What? Like what the fuck!” He’s like, “no, no.” I was getting really frustrated. I was like “what if I just take this and I walk out the fucking store with it! What if I walk out the store with it. He’s like “well, we call the cops then.” I was like *shakes head*. I was considering walking out of the store holding in one hand the thing and in the other hand the piece of paper that says I need to buy this thing, and getting the cops called on me. I was considering it. But I put the fucking thing down and I was shaking my head and walked away. I was so pissed off. I was so angry. I was like “I can’t wait till these fucking Walmart capitalist nightmare assholes lose their fucking job to automation. I can’t fucking wait for that day.” I was furious and felt like total nightmare dystopia capitalistic death…