@TrevorGoodchild@p I think I have one more thing that will interest you: This is Włodzimierz Czarzasty, since 2016 he's the leader of Polish Libtard Nigger Kike party (Lewica). This is the party that wants to let in all the illegals at our eastern border, that wants to legalize fag marriage and adoption, make troon "healthcare" publicly subsidized, "emancipate" women, get rid of the army, bring back communism (it's gonna work this time trust me bro), get rid of the Catholic Church, so on and so forth. This same man, this same leader of Poland's governing-by-coalition Libtard Party, used to be a member of PZPR (Poland's one and only political party before communism fell) and later a prominent member of SLD, a party that was basically re-named PZPR after communism fell, same people, same ideology, same everything.