what kind of logical abomination did she pull off and how the hell does it work
the eyewhite/sclera has to be above all the layers and in an invert mask to the pupil/iris, the others clip to the eyewhite/sclera normally
...okay, using more of my brain, i think i see how it works, but it doesn't make it less cursed
the eyewhites are supposed to two things by being above everything and in an invert mask: 1) allow the iris to be seen behind the eyewhite via invert mask 2) covers what clips outside the iris by being the texture above everything 3) bounds the objects inside the iris and eyewhites by having everything else mask to the eyewhites
some headache inducing bullshit but honestly given enough thought, someone would've figured it out
i feel kinda stupid for not figuring it out myself, but then again, i've never needed to use the invert mask nor understand what it does until now