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@c @DW2 Me: "Man, months after paying off those loans, I finally saved up enough to have a downpayment on a house."
*inquires with first time homeowner-loaner folks*
Them: "You need a credit score."
Me: "I paid off my loans a while back, my credit score should be perfect."
Them: "It says you don't have a credit score."
Me: "I checked yesterday, it said I have one and it's perfect."
Them: "Well, yeah. You had one, and it was perfect. But you didn't maintain it for the last few months, so now its gone."
Me: "Credit scores have a fucking shelf life?"
Them: "Yeah, you need to maintain your credit score to prove you're financially responsible enough to pay off housing loans."
Me: "I spent those months saving money. That should be proof enough."
Them: "That doesn't count, we need a credit score. Go get a credit card or pay off rent."