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@Terry @LionelValentineAborted Almost every point in that tweet was flipped backwards. Also worth noting they *didn't* make a Lord Of The Rings orc reference.
>blowing up the Death Star
The Empire wanted to unite the galaxy. Just like globohomo
The protagonist got raped. Repeatedly. His biggest achievement was crawling away. Yeah, I think I'll let them have that one, LOL
>Harry Potter
Someone tell them just how much (((they))) hate JK Rowling
Blue monkeys were genociding other blue monkeys for eight years. Not living at peace and in balance with the life around them.
Despite an agreement with the LPR/DPR, the elites wanted full control of it's resources. "Whoever controls the spice..."
>Han Solo
Mercenary and a deadbeat.
>challenging Thanos
Which side openly wants to reduce the population?
>We are ... William Wallace
Someone tell them just how much (((they))) hate Mel Gibson