YOU MIGHT BE OLD IF... 1 POINT FOR EACH 1. Used a rotary phone 13, Sent a fax 2. Used a floppy disk 14. Used MySpace 3. Used a typewriter 15, Used dial up to access 4. Taken photos with the internet a film camera 16. Had an encyclopedia 5. Had a CD collection 17. Used a phone book 6. Made a mix tape 18. Sent postcards 7.0wned a walkman 19. Sent handwritten 8. Had a VHS recorder |etters 9. Had to repair a tape 20. Used a paper map cassette 21. Owned a pager 10. Rented movies at 22 Wrote a cheque Blockbuster 23. Removed the cd 11. Played an Atari player from your car 12. Listened to music 24. Used a record player on a boombox 25. Used MSN messenger