Untitled attachment https://i.poastcdn.org/479c561816b6847f0c8c38cbff66b482bafdd0e1d734c82859538edd1d96330a.png
I need to name this archetype of girl, I've seen a couple, and it's odd that most of the zoomer girls in my circle are **much** closer to this recipe than a run of the mill roastie/whore. I know 4 girls from Gen A and Z like this but it's hard to tell people about them. **This type does but I'm talking about the kind of girl who:**-Wants tattoos (the good ones are too shy and scared to actually get one though, they permanently talk & shop them)- kinda ratty style like an "alt girl"- Loves moe jap frilly fluffy stuff but doesn't feel like she's "pretty enough to wear it"- Is oddly invested in at least 2-3 animes- Uses the term "husbando" IRL with people who may not be weebs - NOT FAT, at most curvy, but she's got youthful metabolism so her gross femNEET lifestyle hasn't caught up with her-Reads pornography (the good ones read it for the passionate romance and not the pussyplumbing though)-Has written fanfiction/smut- Has anime stickers everywhereRT: https://poa.st/objects/49fa8462-cb94-4e74-a3ed-7272bf5dbcb2