@nakayoshi93@Zergling_man Not to be my overly angry hostile self, but maybe this might help with a more esoteric experience.
Trannies showed up on 4chan posting some unspeakable filth and got pushed back. /pol/, being /pol/, did a sniffy-sniff and found the discord server where the trannies came from, and found they were engaged in absolutely vile and unacceptable behavior, tranny or not. Trannies drew first blood... part two... or something.
The whole sexual degeneracy thing is from jews. Months ago some people recorded on camera admitted that the purpose of the jewish pron industry was to find Roman catholic girls and dehumanize and degrade them on camera. Almost 100% of the men you see and almost 100% of the women of early pron had these backgrounds. The jews are universally hated by many, and they have a history going back thousands of years butchering my peoples (Whites, Christians, catlicks, Hebrews) and others I have an affinity with. Jews would NEVER give you something holy or pure, or healthy or profitable, thus the poisoned food, water and air we deal with, school systems that are garbage, tv and movies and such are bigoted vile monstrosities, music (which has been exposed recently as jew / cia to try to funnel Black people into prisons on purpose,) news, pron and so forth. These people giving the world feminism, lbg-whatever and such, and claiming you need them because of some made up pokemon slights and oppression are all lies.
They hate you the same as us. You just fell for it.
I hate trannies because you think with a little snippy snip and hormones you think you're high class ultra gorgeous women, when there is no medical way to change an average looking or ugly woman's genetics to make them top tier. The fashion, make up, accessories and plastic surgery industries exist because of the understandable desperation and low self esteem encouraged by these jews. Yet you with some poisoned drugs and a surgery thing you can compete with some of the top tier women walking amongst us in history, and throw temper tantrums if grown men or lesbians and see you not as you demand we see you.
I'm sure the others will come up with things filling this roster out, like you demanding we genocide our cultures and speech to placate you, violent attacks against women, children and Christians because we won't play pretend, and the absolute bloody arrogance to get in someone's face emotionally and demand they can't see and say what they see with their eyes and hear with their own ears. I and hundreds of millions of others reject this judaism, and reject this tyranny.
I personally, honestly, intimately didn't a rat's ass about you guys at all, and would have let you be, but you drew blood on 4chan on many boards. Even the sexual degeneracy board of lgbt rebelled against you in rage. The very people who encouraged you to become a cultural battering ram and suicide bomber to wipe out other people's speech and lives now revile you.
There's more, but you're probably too far gone. However, there is hope...
The cries of those realizing they'd been lied to sounds in my heart.