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Hence glory days, they want to live in the mid-late 2000s-early 2010s again. Those were the days of posting on imageboards, IRC, and downing another Bawls/Red Bull/Mountain Dew and playing games and arguing online for hours. Then they hit the wall being 30-40 and having nothing to show for their life. Did you know the word "troon" referred to a SomethingAwful user (goon) who decided he was now a hot girl?
I have a lingering feeling this is why [Trolls Remorse] ( happens to many of these former goons and similar nerds, they're incapable of introspection but also feel a regret towards how they spent years online doing nothing but yelling at people or destroying. So they decide to turn into who they mocked, possibly as a coping mechanism.
There's also a overwhelming feeling that the tactics they used on weird people online they use on working class white men because it's safe to. But they also decide to hide behind their old internet past and whitewash it (Kirtaner pretending to be the true and honest Anonymous), while others decide to disavow it and want it destroyed (Foone and Hotwheels with 4chan and 8chan respectively). It's just a very common trend I see all the time.