ELECTRIC VEHICLES GONE WRONG 1. Some new electric cars are being outfitted with high-decibel fake engine sounds New Dodge Charger EV with Fratzonic Chambered Exhaust system revving -- BRROOOWWRR! 2. It seems fragile masculinity has led to some awesomely stupid EVs. The cartoonist walking past a Hummer EV weighing over 9,000 pounds in a grocery store parking lot: I just want the cool small electric cars we were promised in the '80s. 3. Car salesman standing in front of a monster pickup truck belching black smoke with spikes protruding from front grille: This is the smallest EV we sell. To broaden its appeal, it also comes with a decorative coal-fired steam engine from an 1880s locomotive. 4. Electricity is literally power -- but apparently not manly enough to get you to the Cheesecake Factory. Guy in front of giant pickup truck: If my car doesn't stink, make a loud sound, or take up lots of space, how do I know I exist?