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@TheLastIsolationist Yeah okay man. Keep protesting, im sure it will lead to change.
>but muh communists protested in the 60s and things changed!
Protests only go anywhere when they're jew sanctioned and have an anti-White purpose (communists, black panthers, blm, antifa, etc).
Im not a nihilist you nigger, im being realistic about my nation and its people. You dumb fucks are too hopped up on hopeium and copeium to see that you're being fleeced for the dumb niggers you are.
By all means, protest those things. But while you fucks protest those things for your coverage, there are Whites dying and killing themselves because they have nowhere else to turn to. And this whole TRS/NJP debacle is just another nail in that coffin.
Enjoy donating to ecelebs and faggot streamers who shit on the common White man, you fucking retard.