@chog9 @blackmastodon @histodons @mutualaid @succucirno @Lyx @pernia @MutualAidVisibility ok here's something you did/do ask for every day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT MY ALT: https://bae.st/users/succucirno----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Simply put, my family is broke until March due to two unexpected bills. We have no food & no car, so it's hard to get anything here to begin with.I'm trying to get $40 so we can eat tonight. Thank you for reading, hope you're doing well. 💞 PayPal - npjasek@proton.meCash App - $JaseksZak#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Emergency #EmergencyCrowdFund #MoneyRequest@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @blackmastodon @histodons @pernia @Lyx @nimt@ryona.agency @WoodshopHandman @Bajax