Notices where this attachment appears
Toward Calli.
"Here's what you and your rap career have in common: You're both dead."
"You've been reaped by the best, pinkie!"
"Go back to the grave, and take your horses with you."
Towards the Demo.
"This Italian panda just dominated your Scottish Nigger ass!"
"You should've put down the bottle, rummie."
"Don't blow yourself up, cyclops. That's my job."
Towards the Engineer.
"Nice toys you got there. Too bad they blew up with the rest of ya."
"Burn, Engie, burn! Texas en fuego! Burn, Engie, burn!"
"I stomped a mudhole in your ass, kicked it dry, and took a yellow, bubbly piss in it and all you could do is look at me with a yellow smile!"
Towards FuwaMoco.
"Your smile protecting asses couldn't protect you two from getting killed by me."
"HapPINESS is two cold puppies."
"You died as you lived: Sucking in sync."
Towards Gooba.
"Take that! Ya toothless guppy!"
"Holo-EN's best shork, my ass!"
Towards Heavy.
"Slav dance your way into Hell ya blubbery rooskie!"
"Not so Cheeki-Breeki anymore now are ya, fat cakes."
"I took your Sasha, I took your Sandvich, and now your life!"
Towards Inis.
"Hit the road, dump-uhhkoff, let a real Eurotuber get to work here!"
"I love your death screams, dump-uhhkoff. They make your stench more bearable!"
"While you're busy breaking wind, I'm busy breaking your bones, stinker!"
Towards Medic.
"In the oven with ya, kraut."
"Back to the operating table, Mengele!"
"I got a couple of useful surgical tools for ya. A noose and a step ladder."
Mirror Match.
"Get off my battlefield you hunched over doppelguinea!"
"You're all sauce and no pasta!"
"Go back to Montreal you pineapple pizza loving leaf!"
Towards Pippa.
"PIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI your way to the nearest carwash you pink abomination!"
"Lend me your earpiece. "This is Pippa, I give myself blowjobs and suck at video games!" Over!"
"Next time, try mouth wash!"
Towards Pyro
"What sick men sends mutants to fight me?"
"Tag! You're it, Smokey!"
"Consider yourself burnt out you mumbling abomination!"
Towards Scout.
"Flank your way out of that ya spastic little Bostie!"
"Let me show you how today's kids dominate!"
"Dodge that ya mouthy blowbag!"
Towards Shondo.
"Not so cute and funny anymore now, are ya?"
"Gotcha! You miniature abomination!"
Towards Sniper.
"You owe me a new bike, Sniper Klaus!"
"I'll send my condolences to your shitcunt wife!"
"Take that, ya piss throwing dog cunt!"
Towards Soldier.
"On your knees! Soldier boy!"
"Lend me your rocket, so I can blast you into Hell!"
"A lot of good that helmet did ya!"
Towards Spy.
"Your gadgets can't hide your slime trail, slugboy!"
"Aww! Did I get brain matter on your suit?"
"Not so snooty now, are ya, cruton?"
Towards Mii-chan.
"Tenma-Smash your way out of that you pint-sized Canadian mutt!"
"I'll finish what your blood pressure has started!"
"Sneak around that, ya trash eating rodent!"
That's it.