
Flyer with the text: Stop doing offices * Work was not supposed to take 90 minutes by car to get to * Years of urbanization yet no real-world use found for going to a different building to use the same internet * Wanted to do that anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that, it was called coffee shops * "Can you wrap up your call, we have this room booked" "how do we get office parking reimbursed" -- Statements dreamt up by the utterly [bewildered] Look at what corporations have been demanding your respect for all this time with all the labour we have given them (these are real furnishings found in real offices) [three images follow of soul-crushing tube light, a corridor, and unergonomic desks crammed in a room, with underneath long rows of question marks] "Hello I would like to hear half of your Zoom call" They have played us for absolute fools - 076萌SNS