
1. AI-generated man with three eyes, two ties and several extra fingers speaking via a laptop screen: Welcome everyone to the AI Journalism Awards. I am your AI-generated host Bob Bitwell. Tonight we honor the best and brightest bots in the business! 2. First up: Best digitally-created journalist! Shown: picture of woman with slightly vacuous expression. Pixella Composita A literal composite of thousands of human writers, she appeals to everyone! 3. The award for most prolific reporter goes to Bot 29P3NT74Q, who dominated Google search results. Voice speaking from server: THANK YOU FOR THE AWARD. PEOPLE ASPIRE TO WIN AWARDS. WINNING AN AWARD MEANS YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING IMPORTANT. 4. Finally, best overall publication: The Herald-Spittoon has eliminated all human employees! Org chart of CEO in charge of several bots Bob Bitwell: Clearly the future of newspapers! - 076萌SNS