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What the fucking rubbishs....
This is Japan fucking go home Kurdish.
Okay, I tell you a good thing, Kawasaki city is very very fucking globalist city because they are set up hate speech law and some fucking left wings are having with true terrorist and Antifa.
Yeah, fucking foreginers are do whatever.
Even Kurdish and Korean, Chinese, all foreigners are can do whatever you want. <because If I complain to this problem they are say "It's a hate speeeechhh something blah blah ". And fucking hypyocrisy Kawasaki city are punish me. < pay bill maybe $500, I'm not sure tho>
Yeah you got a answer.
This is mind game....fucking fake right wings are increase tax and follow fuking Jewish USA and fuking Urkraine...
But the globalist<left wings> are against increase tax and Urkraine war, protect the our consitution<if change the consitution, Japan is will true Urkraine and start to fuking war of course we don't exist self defense war or holy war, I learnt even WW2 and Japan vs USA is Jewish Agenda...<well I can't say that info is 100% correct,but I find out some interesting info form YT, I'll share this info to someday>
And our election is not fair, command to increase number to specific the candidate from machine. You did it! You become fucking a politician!
This fuking election machine is calld "Musashi"!
And you can be great politician, if you use that machine! Haha!