There's no need to try to turn Linux into something it isn't. There are lots of OSs, it's possible to use ones that aren't called "Linux".
> achieved just as easily configuring every available flag before compile time.
It takes longer now to go through `make oldconfig` than it used to take to compile the kernel. At some point, it starts to make more sense to split up concerns. It's pretty amazing that the same kernel does all right on a phone and on a supercomputer, but maybe it's stretched a little thin: we still have drivers for sound cards that haven't been sold since the 90s, when sound cards were an extra peripheral that you crammed into an ISA port and had to pick an IRQ for and there was a 15-pin D-sub connector for MIDI devices but most people just used them for the GRAVIS GAME PAD WHICH THE ULTIMATE DEVICE FOR PEOPLE THAT WANT ALMOST ENOUGH BUTTONS TO EMULATE THE SNES. see_the_joystick_unscrewed_it_was_a_mess.gif these_controllers_sucked.jpg