
Screenshot of web developer console on virginmedia.ie showing the code that creates the console log statements: if ((document.domain === "www.virginmedia.ie") || (document.domain === "www-virginmedia-ie-uxpuat.upc.biz") || (window.location.search.indexOf("wcmmode=disabled") >= 0)){ SITECATALYST_ACDL = true; let loadTime = 0; let cnt1 = 0; const loadEvent = () => { window.adobeDataLayer.push({ "event": "pageload", "eventInfo":{}, "page": { "pageName": "homepage", "pageTitle": document.title, "destinationURL": document.location.href, "referringURL": document.referrer, "pageLoadTime": loadTime, "pathnameSplit": document.location.pathname.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '').split( '/' ) } }); }; const loadEventPre = () => { if ((typeof window.adobeDataLayer == "object") && ((typeof(digitalData) == 'object') && (typeof(digitalData.page) == 'object') && (typeof(digitalData.page.attributes) == 'object') && (typeof(digitalData.page.attributes.pageLoadTime) == 'number')) && (digitalData.page.attributes.pageLoadTime > 0)) { loadTime = digitalData.page.attributes.pageLoadTime; loadEvent(); }else if (cnt1 < 225){ console.log('cnt1-',cnt1); cnt1++; setTimeout(loadEventPre, 115); }else if (typeof window.adobeDataLayer == "object"){ loadEvent(); } }; if((document.readyState == "interactive") || (document.readyState == "complete")) { loadEventPre(); }else{ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadEventPre); } } - 076萌SNS