*blows nose with Kimtech™ Delicate Science Wipe*
o-oh sorry that wasn't scientific or delicate was it?
*blows nose with Kimtech™ Delicate Science Wipe*
o-oh sorry that wasn't scientific or delicate was it?
I love companies that ship absolute shite IoT devices that can't tolerate 2.4GHz & 5GHz Wi-Fi networks with the same SSID.
Their answer is so often "oh just split your networks" or worse "just turn off 5GHz please". Ah great yes, I'll just greatly degrade my network setup on ~20+ devices to accommodate your cheap plastic piece of tat.
@gorplop or when I’m a gnuradio source block and I’m notgonnarunoutofthingstosayhonesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Linksys. Configuration. Menu.
Please enter option. Followed by the pound key.
@neil @revk the eSIMs we use for IoT stuff can each store a ton of profiles and you can switch between them in software. Super handy.
Who is actually writing the technical detail in these bits of legislation? They could have asked anybody at our company about this and ended up with a better result after a 10 minute chat.
(Headline Prediction) "Rust 1.90.0 released, with new feature where compiler just demands you solve a Sudoku to continue."
@kiwa gosh those Vista-era cases...
@gorplop yes I immediately went and made a cup of tea and scratched my arse for a few minutes. Funny thing is I’ve now gone back to them with some questions and I’ve been waiting for a response for 45 minutes. Can’t be that urgent…
Those customers that insist on plastering Urgent / Priority / ASAP on every single thing they send you.
Crack on some trance music and lock the fuck in
An ESP32-WROOM32 w/ 8MB of internal SPI Flash. A Silicon Labs Zigbee radio.
Cute design. I like it (I spot sub-optimal decoupling though!)
Also Micro-USB in 2025...
Interested to see what comes out of some of the debug ports... And whether the ESP32 firmware is extractable etc. Also interested to see how good the Wi-Fi onboarding process is, hopefully using something better than ESP-Touch...)
Just received my Octopus Energy Home Mini... Would be rude not to have a look inside right?
Basically this thing talks to your Zigbee Smart Meters over Zigbee Smart Energy (which is a weird extension of Zigbee) and gets very frequent usage data, punts it over Wi-Fi to Octopus (one of the trendier UK energy suppliers... if such a thing is possible).
@gorplop shall do, I'm taking it easy to begin with. :blobfoxheart:
@gorplop exercise bike. getting back into it…
:blobfoxoutage: gosh...
Owie, my body is not meant to do exercise :blobfoxnotlikethis:
imagine being a normal user and trying to comprehend client_loop: send disconnect: broken pipe
I can feel the meat
feel the meat
feel the meat
🥁 🥁
Construction training? Oh you wanna be doing some... #osrs
amateur radio
Half-fox, half-wolf, half-engineer. Into electronics, radio & software. (Very) amateur radio operator. Ask me about TETRA V+D. Talks about NSFW stuff sometimes - please be 18+ 🔞 Runs (NSFW) https://isthisyiff.net
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