> "I just worry we're going to have a generation of kids who have a post-acute infection syndrome because we failed to protect them," Dr Putrino says, "because we told this lie over and over again that kids have nothing to worry about with COVID."
@pewnack Yep. ME/CFS and Long COVID have a lot of overlap and common symptoms. In a way, higher numbers might put more pressure on researching and understanding them better.
But we know what causes this surge, and nothing is done to control this new cause.
“Four years ago, a dangerous new virus started spreading. Nobody knew anything about it. We had no choice but to use masks and social distancing. They protected us. We wore masks that were okay but not great. We got vaccines, but not great ones. Now we know better. We have better masks. We have better air purifiers. We're developing better vaccines. We have nose sprays. We could actually control Covid instead of submitting to constant infection that results in inevitable disability and slow death. We don't have to accept it.”
Random geek randomly geeking.Topics of interest: #FreeSoftware, #SelfHosting, #Electronics, #AmateurRadio, and #InfoSec, some #Politics and, the ongoing #COVID19 pandemic. I also dabble in beer #homebrewing and #bass playing. Mostly retoots on all of the above, with the occasional original material and/or follow-up discussion.Working with Red Pandas. Blogging at @shtrom.Mostly English, some French.X5O!P%@ap[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*