And then there were 28 .... mucosal Covid vaccines in clinical trials.
As well as a new oral vax entering first-in-human trial in Australia, an aerosol vax from Canada called AeroVax is on its way to phase 2.
Plus there's a new type of vaccine in development in Canada - a next generation of a next generation vax! & the human challenge study consortium has had its first international meeting.
This is a photo of a happy, fulfilled scientist, who has some colossal achievements to her credit.
Meet Nathalie Josso (1934-2022), the French pediatric endocrinologist who isolated & named the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) that differentiates sex in the fetus, studied intersex, & much more besides.
Scientist (PhD; she/her), writer, cartoonist. I blog about metascience, science history, epidemiology, grief, social media data, & evidence generally. Following and reporting on next generation Covid vaccines. And I write at The Atlantic sometimes. Newsletter: Living With Evidence #SystematicReviews #Epidemiology #ClinicalTrials #Grief #Vaccines #Wikipedia #History #HistSci #Science #OpenScience #OpenSocialWeb