@ufal homebrew ISO macem Ghost Spectre dkk, emang not recommended. Banyak orang forum MDL juga menyarankan demikian. Best practice-nya ya cuman, download ISO resmi dari MSDN sesuka hati pilih edisinya. Selanjutnya tinggal dioptimasi sendiri pake Optimize-Offline (fork gdeliana). Atau kalo mau opsional juga.. sebelum dipakein Optimize Offline, bisa diupdate dulu ISO MSDN-nya ke update patch terbaru pake W10UI-nya abbodi
@ufal not really a bogus sepertinya. SKU-nya gak dikhususkan global. Kalo telusur di forum MDL, SKU-nya ini (Enterprise G) udah muncul sejak 2020-an sampe ada yang berusaha bikin rekonstruksi SKU-nya dari SKU lain yang udah available. Setahuku juga, yang Government Edition ini cuman diperuntukkan sektor publik pemerintahan Tiongkok.
@MK2boogaloo@lab.nyanide.com i guess the best point was not always about asking her out. I know my worth and my own situation right now. Just admiring and looking her from the far is already enough for me now. Not really needed to end up into unneeded situationship or whatsoever as its not my priority.
For the first time this year, i feel somewhat smiling and happy when i found a cute girl in coffee shop sitting on the corner across my table. She looks beautiful with her glasses, open up her laptop and doing some work. I always steal a second of my eyes just to look at her for a bit.
Then, i feel somewhat laughing and irritated a bit when knowing her name was like my ex name by looking at her coffee cup. Lmao :pain: :hanayopleased:
Fuck you, iLok License Manager 😭😭😭 i spent almost 2 days straight debugging this on why i cant install it properly on wine. My setup before was flawlessly installed, yet now its borked. Wine also be damned for this.
fffffff after updating my fedora system, it borked my sddm somehow and i cant login because its looping due DISPLAY=:0 is not triggered or something before the DM running.
Damn... aku cuman ingin menikmati interaksi sosial yang normal di fedi. Tapi nih orang-orang baru kenapa model interaksinya caper semua anjir :akko_badday: :blobcat_aaaa: :menherahide:
Server Misskey.ID yang sekarang lagi di paket 100rb/bulan. Dapet 2Core 2GB 40GB dan Cloud VPS (resource CPU-nya shared sama instance lain ngga kelock).
Kalo pindah ke yang Rocket VPS, nambah 5rb bisa dapet 2Core 4GB 60GB. Ngga scalable semudah kayak Cloud VPS cuman seenggaknya nambah headroom buat ngehandle database-nya sih. Tapi .. setelah ngecek lagi, paketnya sold out awkowakokaw.
@s4if ini paket compute neo lite-nya menarik sih. Gak jomplang kayak idcloudhost wkwk. Kalo pake idcloudhost, semisal RAM-nya yang sekarang aku up ke 4GB langsung 200k/bulan 😭😂.
Cuman perlu review reliablenya aja, terutama koneksi internetnya sih.
@s4if bruhhhh... lumayan struggling kalo begitu wkwkwk. Setelah iseng nyari reviewnya. Kayaknya perlu pindah ke infra yang lebih oke aja. Kalo bisa dihosting di wilayah non-Indonesia (demi dapet murah), ngga masalah. Toh proxy-nya Cloudflare sekarang udah ada yang di Indonesia. Ngga begitu signifikan dampak delay-nya.